City deploys covert cameras to tackle illegal dumping

City deploys covert cameras to tackle illegal dumping

Dealing with illegal dumping costs the City of Gosnells over $250,000 each year.

In an effort to combat illegal dumping, which has become a persistent challenge, the City of Gosnells has installed covert cameras throughout the local area.

The high-quality cameras will provide continuous surveillance, recording footage 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in spots known for illegal dumping activity.

As it costs the City over $250,000 annually to remove and dispose of illegally dumped rubbish, Gosnells Mayor Terresa Lynes said she would rather see those funds directed towards services and programs that benefit the community.

“In recent months, the amount of rubbish being dumped has increased, as has the cost of disposing of it,” Mayor Lynes said.

“There is no excuse for illegal dumping – it’s a serious health hazard and an eyesore, and our community is fed up with it.”

Not only is dumped rubbish costly to remove, but it can also include hazardous items that pose risks to the public and is unsightly and unpleasant for passers-by, according to Mayor Lynes.

With the cameras already operational, Mayor Lynes said the City has already caught several offenders red-handed.

“The City of Gosnells has video footage of a number of illegal dumping incidents and has already identified a number of offenders,” she said.

“The City will prosecute those offenders and is actively working to identify others. Those that can be identified will be prosecuted.”

Individuals caught dumping rubbish face penalties of up to $5,000, while businesses or corporate entities can be fined as much as $10,000.

If you see or witness someone illegally dumping rubbish, note the vehicle registration, type, and a description of the person, then report it to the City at 9397 3000.

If safe to do so, photos or dashcam footage can also be provided to the City.