Cheeky rollick with Billy

Cheeky rollick with Billy

Actor Matt Dyktynski plays Billy Clinton. Photograph — Robert Frith.

Clinton: The Musical bundles former US president Bill Clinton’s indiscretions into a hilarious musical comedy.

Influential, unfaithful and living a double life, Bill Clinton may well be best remembered for his indiscretions with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.

Unless you slept through the 1990s, the Lewinsky saga needs no further explanation.

The scandal provides all the fodder for a comedic production, with the actors carrying it off beautifully.

The formal WJ Clinton (Simon Burke) and his  frisky alter ego Billy (Matt Dyktynski) mull their flaws with wife Hillary (Lisa Adam), who points out early how she knows two men and sets the scene for why they are on stage together.

Presented by the Black Swan State Theatre Company, the audience is taken on a whirlwind ride through the president’s affairs – of state and body – with the other main players including lawyer Kenneth Starr (Brendan Hansen), speaker of the house Newt Gingrich (Luke Hewitt) and, of course, Lewinsky (Megan Kozak).

It gets off to a slow start as the background to the presidency is set but once the story hots up, so does the pace of the action.

Burke is mesmerising in his portrayal of Clinton – he masters the flicky eye trait and mannerisms brilliantly.

Adam put in a masterful performance as Hillary, whose part was modernised with Donald Trump puns and references to email accounts.

Hewitt and Hansen are stand out talents with their quirky rapport and ability to seamlessly carry off streams of ridiculous puns from all things sexual to peaches and impeachment.

One of the best songs was an explanation of what constitutes an intimate encounter to the tune of Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.

Written by Australian brothers Michael and Paul Hodge, the production has made its Australian debut on the Perth stage after a sell-out season on Broadway, Edinburgh and New York.

If you want a night of light entertainment Clinton: The Musical is highly recommended for a couple hours of good laughs.

Directed by Adam Mitchell, Clinton: The Musical will play at the Heath Ledger Theatre, State Theatre Centre of WA until September 11.

Visit to purchase all tickets and for more information.