Closing in on crime

Closing in on crime

The superintendent for the new Canning policing district Greg Knott says the change will allow local police to operate in the community more effectively.

Cannington’s new policing district is officially in effect, splitting from the Armadale District and what was formerly the South East Metropolitan district.

The formation comes following a pledge by Labor prior to the 2016 state election, in which now Police Minister Sue Ellery said her party would target ballooning crime rates in south-eastern suburbs.

Cannington’s new Superintendent Greg Knott said the change would be an opportunity for police to operate on a more local basis.

“A new era has begun this week with the expansion to eight Metropolitan Policing Districts,” he said.

“Cannington District takes in about 140 square kilometres in the busy inner south-east.

“As Armadale has become a policing district in its own right for the first time, here in Cannington we can now provide a greater focus on local issues, operating from police stations in Cannington, Belmont and Kensington.”

Cannington Police have re-allocated resources and policing teams throughout Canning suburbs to match the change.

“By re-allocating some of the suburbs amongst our police stations we now have a closer fit with local government agencies,” Supt Knott said.

“Each station is now only dealing with two councils, so they will be able to concentrate more on their particular concerns.”

The new policing district will also take full advantage of social media, which has become a focal point for discussion on crime and policing in the community.
“Social media has helped us reach out to your community in recent years, through our Twitter feeds and the strong support for our page,” Supt Knott said.

“The name has changed in keeping with the new District, and we’ve also created a new Facebook page for the Armadale District – so if you live in that area, we strongly encourage you, your family and friends to follow that page for all your local needs.”

The new WA Police Cannington District page can be found at, as well as by searching “Cannington Police” on Twitter.