Club caps off great idea

Club caps off great idea

Coordinator Soosie Paton and senior vice president Monika Wong. Photograph - Aaron Van Rongen

If you are holding a plastic bottle right now maybe keep the bottle cap as the Herald Avenue Seniors Club is collecting them to make artificial limbs for disabled children.

The Herald Avenue Seniors club has already collected one and a half large garden bags and is committed to build as many artificial limbs as possible.

The initiative started with committee member and coordinator Soosie Paton, as she felt
connected to the idea when she heard it on a Sunday morning on a radio show.

“We are extremely happy with the fantastic support from the community,” she said.

Churches, retirement villages, shops, schools, muzz buzz, cafés and many other people of the community also contributed to the collection.

“We are also very grateful for the support that we have had from our members at the Herald Avenue Senior Citizens Club.” Ms Paton said.

The price of a new prosthetic leg can cost between $5000 to $50,000 and even the most expensive ones last only for about three to five years.

The club only started the collection five weeks ago and it will stay as an ongoing project at the club for more people in the community to contribute.

If you want to donate your plastic bottle caps simply drop them off at the Herald Avenue Senior club in Willetton from Monday to Friday between 9am to 4pm.