Club dedicated to taking that perfect picture

Club dedicated to taking that perfect picture

Photograph courtesy of the SJ Camera Club

The 21st century has ushered in a new age for photography; now everyone has a camera on their person at all times.

This democratisation of a once niche art form has caused an explosion of images; almost 2 trillion photographs were taken in 2024 alone.

But are any of them any ‘good’? How many of these images are actually ‘seen’? And how many will survive and become the pictures which tell the story of our epoch?

Ansel Adams once famously said “you don’t take a photograph, you make it”.

In a time when it is easier to ‘take’ a photo than ever before, knowing how to ‘make’ a photograph is still just as elusive.

For those interested in learning, being part of a local camera club can introduce you to new ways of thinking about photography, and challenge you to be more creative as well.

The SJ Camera Club has just kicked off its eighth year of celebrating creativity through the lens.

Club members meet every second Thursday of the month at the Dome Byford function room.

“The aim of our club is for everyone to pick up new skills to improve their photography as well have some fun, challenging themselves by getting outside in our beautiful community surroundings,” committee member Theresa Churchill said.

“By attending our monthly meet-ups at the Dome we learn from one another, and from our external judges within our monthly themed and open competitions, learning presentations and workshops.”

The SJ Camera Club is keen to welcome new members interested in exploring the art of photography.

“We welcome all levels of photographers; we find that this variety is where the most in-depth discussions occur as we all are all on a journey of learning,” Theresa said.

“We are all like-minded people who enjoy photography and encourage anyone who may be looking at joining our fun-filled club.”

The next meeting falls on Thursday 12th of March from 7pm.

And there are a range of club outings planned for this year to hone skills.

All enquiries can be sent to

Learning to take a good photo often requires more than a lightbulb moment. Photograph taken by a member of the SJ Camera Club