Club memories wanted

Club memories wanted

Byford Progress Association president Colleen Rankin is hoping the public will be able to dig up some old photographs and memories for a photo book for the Byford and Districts Country Club. Photograph – Richard Polden

One Serpentine Jarrahdale local is hoping the public may be able to dig up photographs taken at birthday celebrations, engagements, dinners or even weddings to give her photo book a bit of colour and excitement.

Byford Progress Association president Colleen Rankin is in the process of putting together a photo book for the Byford and Districts Country Club and is hoping the public will be able to help out by sharing precious memories of their time spent at the 60-year-old club.

“I want it to be a photographic record of the club from when it was formed in 1957 right through to the present day,” she said.

“I have got a watercolour painting of the original club, some photos from 1983 and a few from the billiards club, rock n’ roll club and classic car club, but I am not having a lot of luck with getting old photos.”

Mrs Rankin said she was hoping to have the coffee table-style book finished by the end of June but at the moment all she had was notes of particular milestones taken from the club’s committee minutes.

“I think history is really important and it is important to people in the community,” she said.

“In 1958 it cost three pound and three shillings to become a member of the club which in today’s money is a lot.

“Before the club moved to its current location it had about 350 members and today it has got more than 12,000 members which is a huge achievement.”

Byford and Districts Country Club chief executive Mark O’Neill said since its inception the club had filled a much-needed social gap within the Serpentine Jarrahdale region.

“Many relationships have formed through meeting at the club and we have members who signed in their dates in our guest registers in the early 60s that still frequent the club,” he said.

If you have any photos of the club during its 60-year history that can be copied and shared within the photo book, contact Colleen Rankin on 0409 684 033.