The sale of a much-needed daily caffeine hit will not only help you get through the day but can also assist volunteers in continuing to help others in the community during their time of need.
Armadale State Emergency Services volunteers are encouraging residents to head along to CY O’Connor Village Pub on August 3 for their daily coffee hit.
A total of $2 from every sale from 7.30am to 11am will go directly towards the not-for-profit organisation, which is made up of about 30 volunteers.
Local manager Connie Eikelboom said all donations will be greatly accepted.
“We are in the process of renovating an old trailer to use as an operational search trailer,” she said.
“This trailer would be used to assist us in searches out in the bush and will include things like shelter, generator, food, first aid kits, eskies for water, lighting, stationary, radios and mapping.”
Ms Eikelboom said the Kelmscott-based unit attends hundreds of jobs a year including searches, fire crew changes, storm damage related events, earthquakes, car versus house incidents and flooding.
“We have a strong sense of comradeship at our unit and it’s a great place to learn new skills like radio communication, chain saw and roof repairs,” she said.
“We need new members who are willing to get on roofs and help mitigate storm damage and are able to search for lost people.”
New members must be able to work in a team and be available for training on Wednesday from 7.30pm to 10pm.
Donations can be made at CY O’Connor on August 3 from 7.30am to 11am or by calling Connie on 0408 938 779.