Creepy clown ready to scare on DVD

Creepy clown ready to scare on DVD

Bill Skarsgard is excellent as Pennywise the Clown in the remake of Stephen King’s IT.

Horror movie fans that missed the 2017 remake of Stephen King’s IT at the cinema can now see the movie on DVD and fans of the genre are in for a treat.

While many purists will always revert back to the 1990 made for TV two part series or the book, the latest version of the horror classic offers a fresh and very creepy new look at the world’s scariest clown.

The 2017 movie is the first of a two-part movie series, with production on the second movie already underway according to sources in the movie world.

The ensemble cast, lead by some amazing young actors, are very believable with some of the corny dialogue that inhabited the 1990 movie thankfully missing.

In its place are some truly creepy moments involving a plethora of horrific new characters, which adds a multidimensional layer missing from the first offering.

Bill Skarsgard does an excellent job as Pennywise the clown, taking over from Tim Curry who originally played the evil entity in the original version.

Skarsgard and the writers do not detract from the original, instead adding to it so the story does not change dramatically but some of the creepy themes in the first movie are cleverly expanded playing on some of our worst fears including the headless man in the library, various ghosts and dead bodies, not to mention the very creepy flute-playing creature who finds his way out of a painting to haunt one of the children.

Some of the new elements also help clarify some story elements that were perhaps a tad confusing in the first movie.

IT is sure to horrify and delight Stephen King fans and fans of horror movies with its quality production, acting and original elements and effects.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5

Rated: MA

Out now on DVD and Blu Ray

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