An illuminated seven metre high by 3.8 metre wide steel cross will be erected at the site of a Canning Vale church despite several members of the public objecting to the proposal.
Southern Districts Alliance Church put forward the application to the City of Gosnells to install the cross about 15 metres from Warton Road and about 30 metres from Garden Street.
During the 14-day consultation period the city received five objections to the proposal out of a total of 182 properties that received letters.
The main issues raised in the consultation period included concerns about possible vandalism to the cross, the size of the structure, cultural issues and falling property values.
At Tuesday night’s council meeting councillors voted unanimously in support of the recommendation to approve the application much to the delight of church pastor Bill Jensen and his fellow leaders.
Reverend Jensen said he was excited about the inclusion of the simple white cross at the front of the property.
“Our church building is set back on our property and this new structure will be another clear symbol of whom and where we are in the community we seek to serve,” he said.
“We hope that increasing our visual presence will better enable us to love and serve the community.”
The new cross will sit on a 20 centimetre high concrete plinth and will be illuminated from below.
City staff said mature trees on the site would provide screening for the properties north-east of it and the cross would sit 52 metres from the nearest residence.