Cat lovers were in their element last weekend as some of the most beautiful felines were on display at a local cat show in Byford.
About 90 cats and kittens, including popular breeds such as Ragdolls, Russian Blues, Burmese and British Shorthairs were on show alongside other unusual breeds such as the hairless Sphinx and Peter Bald, a hairless Siamese.
The show, which was hosted by the British Shorthair Cat Club, attracted more than 100 people through the doors of the Serpentine Jarrahdale Community Recreation Centre.
Club secretary Pamela Lanigan said she was pleased with the attendance with people coming from as far as many suburbs north of the river to attend the annual event.
“People were able to talk to breeders about the cats and kittens they might like to adopt and to see the different cats and kittens on show,” she said.
“All of the cats also competed with the special prize for the best British Shorthair and Supreme in Show for both rings going to Ambritt Here Comes Ralphie.”
The show, which is run under the umbrella of CatsWA allows cat owners to exhibit their felines in a competition setting.
Many of the cats on show last weekend will compete at the Perth Royal Show later this month.