Jarrahdale Oval will be abuzz with plenty of old-fashioned games later this month with the entire community invited to join in the family-friendly fun.
Hosted by the Jarrahdale Community Collective the Father’s Day Dad Olympics will be held on August 31 and will include traditional games such as the egg and spoon race, sack races, tug of war and wheelbarrow races.
Member and event organiser Rachael Anderson said the group is excited to bring the event to the Jarrahdale community.
“People love old school games,” she said.
“They bring a sense of nostalgia, everyone can get involved and they are just plain good old-fashioned fun.
“People are encouraged to come along for an hour-and-a-half to take part for free, have a good time, a barrel of laughs, enjoy a free sausage sizzle and show their support to a local community group who is proactive in championing Jarrahdale and it’s residents.”
The Serpentine Jarrahdale Men’s Shed have crafted a trophy, which will be awarded to the Dad Olympics winner.
The alcohol free event will be held at the Jarrahdale Oval from 11am.
All children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian and no dogs are allowed.
For more information or to register your attendance at the event send your email to info@ jarradalecc.org or visit the group’s Facebook page.