The cake decorators association of WA Darling Range branch was getting into the festive spirit in preparation for its annual Christmas cake stall at Armadale shopping centre on December 10 and 11.
Branch president and Southern River resident Vanessa Dos Santos said the stall will feature beautifully decorated cakes for sale at affordable prices that will make great gifts.
She said there will also be a raffle cake on display and the money raised will go towards charity.
“We’re a non-profit organisation and we often give to charities like the asthma foundation,” she said.
She said the cake decorators met in Armadale on the second Saturday of every month and were dedicated to keeping the art of cake decorating alive.
“It’s an old art and it’s such a beautiful thing but it’s at risk because we’re seeing less people do it,” she said.
“We need a lot more young people to get involved but it’s one of those things that you just do because you have that craft inside of you.”
She said the Darling Range branch had about 45 members and meetings often included presentations and lessons as well as a chance to socialise.
She said new members were welcome.
For more information call Ms Dos Santos on 0488 343 953.