Denny Ave worst level crossing

Denny Ave worst level crossing

Crashes on Denny Avenue are common. Photograph - Matt Devlin.
Crashes on Denny Avenue are common. Photograph - Matt Devlin.

Despite alarming crash statistics nothing more will be done to Denny Avenue in Kelmscott to remove congestion except the addition of another set of traffic lights in December according to the City of Armadale.

All three intersections on the 190-metre stretch were in the top 10 worst local road intersections for accidents in the city, according to Main Roads crash data from 2009 to 2013.

The data did not include incidents from 2014 after the spud shed was opened.
Over the five-year period 108 crashes totalling $6.1 million in damage and 24 casualties occurred at the Streich Avenue and Railway Avenue intersections around the level crossing.

Main Roads counts the two intersections as separate statistics despite their proximity.

When combined the crashes meant the level crossing was the second worst intersection for accidents in Armadale and ranked in the top 80 worst intersections in the Perth metro area.

The nearby Albany Highway and Denny Avenue intersection also recorded 36 crashes totalling $1.45 million in damages and 10 casualties.

A further 24 crashes occurred on the street itself but not at an intersection.

The Denny Avenue level crossing was the scene of more crashes than any other similar level crossing along the Armadale train line over the same time period.

The level crossing at Main Street and Stalker Road in Gosnells experienced 55 crashes and 10 casualties while the nearby Dorothy Street level crossing was the scene of 22 crashes and six casualties.

Further up the train line the notorious Oats Street level crossing at Bank Street and Rutland Avenue in Carlisle received a total of 51 crashes and 9 casualties.

The Examiner raised the issue with local and state government agencies last week after an online petition was started raising concerns about the road.

Since 2002 an underpass at Davis Road and closure of the Denny Avenue level crossing had been pinned as the best solution to the traffic woes.

Funding issues had prevented its go ahead and currently no agency or government authority was working towards it.

Armadale acting chief executive officer Tony Maxwell conceded apart from the planned traffic lights nothing more could be done at the level crossing to improve it.

“While negotiations have been ongoing for years, what is currently planned to be done is the maximum,” he said.

“No additional road capacity is available, and the physical restrictions of the site precludes any additional works to improve the road capacity.

“The Davis Road underpass remains the preferred option for the city as well as the MRA.

“However, at an estimated cost of $55 million, the project at this stage is cost prohibitive and no funding is available for this project from federal or state governments.”

Mr Maxwell said few complaints had been received about the street, with none in recent months.

“Most users are regular users and have adapted their driving routines to accommodate the circumstances and road environment,” he said.

Member for Armadale Tony Buti said the statistics on Denny Avenue were alarming and demanded attention from the state government.

“They’re appalling and reiterate the urgent need for something to be done to ensure we can fix up the traffic congestion and safety in the area,” he said.

“There needs to be a separated crossing nearby, it’s the only way.”

Statistics from 2009 to 2013


• Denny Avenue/Streich Avenue/Railway Avenue level crossing:
108 crashes, 24 casualties (incidents involving a fatality or hospitalisation)


• Main Street/Lissiman Street/Wheatley Street/Stalker Road level crossing: 55 crashes, 10 casualties

• Dorothy Street/Wheatley Street/Lissiman Street level crossing:22 crashes, 6 casualties


Oats Street/Bank Street/Rutland Avenue: 51 crashes, 9 casualties