Dewhurst may return

Dewhurst may return

City of Gosnells former mayor Glenn Dewhurst. Photograph - Aaron Van Rongen.

For the past two years former City of Gosnells mayor Glenn Dewhurst served the city and despite all the controversy that was built in council he said he may consider running again for mayor at the next local government elections.

“I have been very honoured to have served the people of Gosnells and was well aware of the challenges of being able to continue as mayor,” he said.

“If the current council does not take up the challenge and start to deliver real change to the people of Gosnells then I may consider running again when the current, more conservative clique of councillors will face re-election.

“This is the democratic process in place at Gosnells where the councillors rather than the community elect the mayor and I accept that.”

When City of Gosnells mayor David Goode was voted in as mayor he thanked Mr Dewhurst for a conversation they had prior to the election.

“Prior to the election I knew he was going to be our next mayor so I told him I will give it my all until I am no longer mayor but would support him and I looked forward to working with him,” he said.

“There are certainly no hard feelings on my part and I wish only the best for the new mayor and the people of Gosnells.”

Mr Dewhurst said he is pleased that four out of the six available positions were filled by his initial electoral campaigning team.

He also said he will continue to implement the nine pillar initiatives, as well as bringing to fruition the Loop programs and each of the homeless, design out crime and the Small Business initiatives. In the meantime Mr Dewhurst will be taking time off to spend time with family.