Police want your help

Police want your help

dirt bikes
Gosnells Acting Officer In Charge Jason Barnes with a confiscated off-road bike. Photograph – Aaron Van Rongen.

A state-wide operation focusing on dirt bikes is already getting results, according to Canning Vale Senior Sergeant Mark Marriott.

Operation Education aims to target recidivist off road motorcycle users to reduce risk to the public, reduce nuisance effect to other residents and disrupt the use of off-road motorcycle use in the commission of serious and volume crime.

Senior Sgt Marriott said that while the issue of illegal off-road motorcycle use had been the focus of recent media attention, WA police have been hard at work for a number of years.

“The illegal riding of dirt bikes as been a problem in the metropolitan area for a while,” he said.

“It’s been getting some media attention lately but it’s had WA Police’s attention for a number of years.

“The State Traffic Operation Group are running Operation Education, it’s running metropolitan-wide.

We’re reaching out to the public for information about where these bikes area actually coming from and where they’re going to, and they can report that information to 13 444 or 1800 33 000, Crimestoppers.”

Senior Sgt Marriott noted the information was vital to locate and apprehend offenders.

“We need the public to really call these in, from a public safety perspective it’s important that we deal with these bikes when they’re off the road, rather than on the road.

“This program has been running for a few days and the information I’ve received is that State Traffic are getting a lot of information through which is really pleasing.

“We’ve confiscated a number of bikes recently.”

Gosnells Police recently charged a 24-year-old Maddington man with a number of offences and confiscated his bike as a result of information received from Operation Education.

Read more local Canning news here.