Dog parks a step closer

Dog parks a step closer

The City of Gosnells approves a dog park in Kenwick

Enclosed dog parks within the City of Gosnells are one step closer after council supported a petition put forward by local resident Tracey O’Neil.

Ms O’Neil presented council with a 124-signature petition at the council meeting on February 13.

The petition read: “We the undersigned electors of the City of Gosnells request an enclosed dog park within the suburb of Kenwick for residents in Kenwick to have a safe, spacious area to exercise and socialise their dogs.”

Deputy mayor Councillor Williamson proposed an amendment wanting community consultation to use Oliphant Street Reserve in Kenwick as the preferred location for the enclosed dog park and for it to be included in the 2025/26 budget.

She also put forward the idea that council supports the development of three more enclosed dog parks at suitable locations in Gosnells, Thornlie and Southern River.

Councillor Williamson also proposed writing to the Minister for Planning to use cash in lieu to support funding for the enclosed dog parks in Kenwick, Thornlie, Gosnells, Southern River and at Sutherlands Park in Huntingdale.

She also proposed council ask the chief executive that the community be engaged in choosing the proposed location of the dog parks.

“It is important community consultation to occur in relation to the location of the dog parks to ensure the sites have community support,” she said.

“The location of a dog park in Southern River requires further consideration.

“I ask council to support this motion, it has many benefits, it can be for mental health, exercise and socialisation and we are all in support of that but we need to let the community decide on that.”

Other councillors, including David Goode and Peter Abetz spoke in favour of the dog parks.

Mayor Terresa Lynes thanked the initiator of the petition Mrs Tracey O’Neil of Kenwick.
“I thank you and do appreciate your input and I hope you are happy with the outcome and I will be supporting the officer’s recommendation,” she said.

Council voted unanimously to pass the motion.