Doing laps for Troy

Doing laps for Troy

Troy and Rebecca Stanborough with their children, April, Kayde and Ella. Photograph – Richard Polden

A local football club has thrown its support behind one of their beloved families who received some devastating news late last year. 

Troy Stanborough, a coach and member of the Mundijong Centrals Junior Football Club, had his world turned upside down in October 2018 when he went to his doctor with concerns about a lump in his testicle and ongoing back pain. 

Although the lump came back clear, an ultrasound revealed a mass in his kidney, which was later diagnosed as a translocation associated renal carcinoma – a rare and aggressive form of cancer. 

Since the diagnosis Troy’s wife Bec said he and the family continue to live one day at a time doing things that make them happy. 

“We have visited the surgeon and Troy is to have three-monthly CT scans for the next 18 months as that’s all they can do to monitor it,” she said. 

“Troy easily catches viruses now as his immune system is low and he’s also had a ringing in his ear appear which the doctors are unsure why.” 

Troy Stanborough with his scar from his surgery in November 2018. Photograph – Richard Polden.

The football club’s upcoming lap-a-thon fundraiser is an event that the 42-year-old father of three is excited to tick off his bucket list. 

The event will see individuals and teams from the club and the wider community walk and run as many laps of Mundijong Oval as they can to raise money for the Stanborough family.

Treasurer Linda Branley said the club currently has 25 teams taking part on the day. 

“We are looking for support in donations for the player who raises the most money or team who raises the most money and the team who walks or runs the most laps,” she said. 

“The senior football club will have the bar open for refreshments with profits also being donated to the family and a sausage sizzle and raffle on sale.” 

The event will take place at Mundijong Oval on July 27 from 4pm to 7pm. 

For more information or to donate call Linda on 0418 911 490 or email