Hastie, Keogh at odds on ice

Hastie, Keogh at odds on ice

By-election candidates Andrew Hastie and Matt Keogh. Photograph - Matt Devlin.
By-election candidates Andrew Hastie and Matt Keogh. Photograph - Matt Devlin.

Liberal candidate for Canning Andrew Hastie would push for the introduction of mandatory sentencing for crimes involving ice.

It followed an earlier announcement of a Canning ice action plan and funding announcements from Labor candidate Matt Keogh for rehabilitation services like Hope community services in Armadale if Labor was elected at the next federal election.

Mr Hastie said he would push to double the mandatory jail sentence for people who endangered children during the manufacture of ice.

He also called for an investigation into whether a mandatory sentence should be applied for a first offence if an adult was caught selling ice to a child.

“I know this sentencing is a state issue but what I’m hearing from the community is that they want to see tougher penalties for the makers and dealers of ice,” he said.

“By doubling the mandatory jail sentences imposed on manufacturers of ice and dealers, particularly when they harm children through making the drug, we can send a strong message and make our streets safer.”

Mr Hastie’s ice action plan also involved looking at rehabilitation and addressing issues, which led to drug use as well as community forums.

Mr Keogh had previously announced $2.7 million for drug rehabilitation services Hope and Palmerston in Mandurah and $200,000 for more CCTV in Armadale and Mandurah. He also announced $270,000 if Labor was elected for the Peel community legal service to provide additional specialist family violence legal services.

Mr Keogh, in opposition to tougher mandatory sentencing, said under the Liberal government WA had become the ice capital of Australia and prevention was the key.

“Before running to be a representative for the people of Canning I was a federal prosecutor putting criminals behind bars,” he said.

“I’ve worked with law enforcement agencies on catching and punishing criminals including drug smugglers.

“We need to be investing more in stopping crime before it occurs and catching criminals so they can be punished.”