Tricia Duggin was successful in her bid for deputy president for the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale on Monday.
“I’m excited to have been elected deputy president and will continue to serve our community to the very best of my ability. We are stronger as a team and I really look forward to seeing what the next few years have installed for us and for our residents,” she said.
At Monday’s ceremony, Rob Coales was officially sworn into his role as shire president and new councillors Nathan Bishop and Reece Jerrett also made it official, joining existing councillors Morgan Byas, Tricia Duggin and Shaye Mack on the more diminutive council.
“Their youth and enthusiasm is refreshing and also brings representation to the council that was previously lacking,” Cr Duggin said.
President Rob Coales said it was an honour to be sworn in as the shire’s first directly-elected president.
“Today marks a new beginning for the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale Council and I look forward to leading a positive and collaborative Council focused on serving our residents and ratepayers. I would also like to congratulate Cr Bishop and Cr Jerrett on their election to council,” he said.
Mr George Walley, a Traditional Owner of the region who grew up in Mundijong, conducted a smoking ceremony and welcome to country as part of the swearing-in ceremony.
While the swearing-in was conducted by Mr Athol Wigg, a Justice of the Peace, who undertook his responsibility for the last time as part of his longstanding service to the shire.
Mr Wigg served as a councillor in the shire from 2002-2007 and has been an integral part of eight previous swearing-in ceremonies, with a hand in officially inducting 40 elected members into their roles.
“On behalf of the Shire I would like to thank Athol for his service to our community and acknowledge the important role he has played at our Swearing-In Ceremonies,” president Coales said.