Christmas came early for the volunteers at a bushfire brigade with a $5000 grant assisting them with the installation of new infrastructure.
Bedfordale Volunteer Bushfire Brigade were recently gifted the grant by Federal Member for Canning Andrew Hastie through the Stronger Communities program.
Social and fundraising committee coordinator Gary Vince said the grant would be used to install permanent lockers at the brigade for the secure storage of the volunteers’ personal protective equipment.
“This money will help the brigade greatly as we have been looking at installing the lockers for our members for some time now,” he said.
“This will help keep the members equipment at the station and thus help with the quick and efficient timing to which we can attend call outs to fire and other incidents.”
Mr Hastie said he was pleased to deliver the grant to assist the brigade in their tasks moving forward.
The new lockers will be installed early next year.