Elvis makes a surprise visit for Ellen’s 100th

Elvis makes a surprise visit for Ellen’s 100th

Southern River resident Ellen Grace Sorley turned 100 years this week. Photograph – Aaron Van Rongen.

It’s not every day you get to celebrate your 100th birthday with Elvis but Ellen Grace Sorley did.

Born in Birmingham, England on July 21, 1920, Mrs Sorley came over to Australia by ship in 1925 and lived within the City of Gosnells for about 48 years.

Mrs Sorley had six children, 13 grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren.

In 1972, Mrs Sorley and her husband Hugh Sorley built a home in Canning Vale and started a nursery growing carnations and gladiolus, which they sold to florists over the years.

Her daughter Elle Sorley described her as humble and witty, very charming and a sweet tooth.

21-year-old Ellen Grace Sorley.

“Her granddaughter says she reminds her of a pixie,” she said. “She loves the colour blue and anything with glitter or sparkles.

“She was also a very avid reader until the last couple of years and she likes to play memory games.

“Loves her cups of tea and loves sweet things, especially chocolate and cake.” Earlier last week, Mrs Sorley celebrated her 100th birthday with families and friends – and Elvis.

Member for Southern River Terry Healy came dressed up as Elvis and sang her the legendary song ‘Can’t help falling in love.’

“Ellen’s daughter said she was an Elvis fan, so today’s visit saw my old Elvis suit come out of the cupboard and a special Elvis song sung,” he said.

“Member for Burt Matt Keogh and I were proud to organise Ellen a letter from the Queen and I hand delivered her a birthday message from WA premier Mark McGowan.”

Although Mrs Sorley lives with dementia, her daughter said she still remembers her.

“Mum puts her longevity down to the family, she said there’s no doubt about that and she is glad she has her family,” she said.

“She said the younger generation should live quietly and not dangle here and there and everywhere, and not to smoke.”