Exotic pest found in Riverton

Exotic pest found in Riverton

The exotic pest species Polyphagous Shot-Hole Borer (PSHB) has now been found in most suburbs in Perth

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) has confirmed the detection of the declared pest Polyphagous Shot-Hole Borer (PSHB) along 67 Riley Road, Riverton (Riverton Leisureplex/Riverton Library).

PSHB is a wood-boring exotic beetle that severely damage host trees, with some species dying.

Trees damaged by PSHB are a constant source of beetles that can disperse to neighbouring trees and can quickly become safety hazards.

Early detection and the prompt removal or pruning of infested trees is key to containing PSHB spread and minimising further impact on neighbouring trees.

The following work has been scheduled by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development to manage trees infested with PHSB:

There will be removal of five Robinia Pseudoacacia trees on Wednesday, 28 February 2024. Tree management will be carried out by certified arborists supervised by DPIRD.

For safety reasons, the public have been advised to stay away from any active work zones.

Residents in the quarantined area (QA) are encouraged to inspect all backyard trees for signs of borer damage and/or tree die back.

Signs of borer damage (or any unusual pests) are to be reported via the MyPestGuide® app or by contacting the Pest and Disease Information Service on (08) 9368 3080, email padis@dpird.wa.gov.au

Should you have any further questions regarding PSHB and infected trees, please contact Mar Hube, (DPIRD) Incident Controller on 08 9368 3800 or visit agric.wa.gov.au/borer