“Facial recognition thinks I’m a different person now”

“Facial recognition thinks I’m a different person now”

Murray Webb has shaved his head for charity, saying goodbye to 15 years of hair. Photograph - Richard Polden.

Murray Webb has officially said goodbye to his beloved, 1.2-metre-long deadlocks, shaving off 15 years of hair for charity.

The impetus behind Murray’s massive change is his work with Compassion WA, a not-for-profit charity that works with children living in poverty, and the impact of COVID.

So far, he has raised $15,125 and he has found, since the big shave on Monday night at his Wilson home, that he has a range of new possibilities and new problems to consider.

“It’s definitely a weird feeling,

“It’s been 15 years since I’ve felt the wind and all the nerve sensations that come with that, it’s just very weird.

“I wore a hat this morning for the first time in 15 years, I have to worry about my head getting burnt.

“My iPhone doesn’t recognise me anymore, the facial recognition thinks I’m a different person now.”

Now that the hair on his head is gone, attention turns to the beard.

Murray initially said he’d need to raise $40,000 to shave the beard as well, but his stance has since softened, and the goal is now tantalisingly close.

“There were a few people chanting for it when we did the cut.

“I think if we make 20k, the beard will go, I’d be willing to say goodbye.

“It will grow back.

“If people are going to be that generous, I’ll shave it off.”

If you want Murray to remove his beard – and raise money for Compassion WA and Save the Children’s Yemen crisis appeal – head to https://www.gofundme.com/f/imcuttingitalloff