Family dog found dead on train line

Family dog found dead on train line

Ryan and Melissa Parry with their son Winston miss their beloved pet dog Roxy and are searching for answers. Photograph — Aaron Van Rongen.

A family is appealing to the public for information after their beloved pet dog was found dead on the tracks of the Byford train line with two arrow holes to its head and several holes throughout its body.

The Parry family noticed Roxy, their nine-year-old American Staffy, was missing on Sunday morning when they returned to their Byford home after a night away.

Melissa Parry told The Examiner they think Roxy escaped the yard some time during the night or the early hours of Sunday morning after hearing thunder during the unseasonably wild weather.

“We posted on the Byford Community Facebook page that she was missing and were told on Monday morning by a rail worker that a dog had been found on the tracks near the station,” she said.

“My husband went down to check and confirmed it was Roxy.”

The incident was reported to Mundijong Police and the RSPCA.

Mrs Parry said the family were heartbroken.

“We both feel sick to our stomachs about the way she has gone,” she said.

Mundijong Police were contacted for comment but were unable to comment prior to deadline.

RSPCA were contacted for comment but said they were unable to comment as it was a matter for Mundijong Police.