Farm attire for drought-stricken farmers

Farm attire for drought-stricken farmers

Mundijong Primary students dressed as farmers to help drought stricken farmers in New South Wales and Queensland. Photograph – Aaron Van Rongen.

Students from Mundijong Primary spent the last day of term dressed in flannel shirts and straw hats to help raise money and awareness for the drought-stricken farming industry over east.

Principal Cheryl Wellburn said the school was unable to take part in the national Fiver for a Farmer dress as a farmer day earlier in the year so they organised their own fundraising event.

“Teachers throughout the term discussed and showed the students news items relating to the farmer’s plight in New South Wales and Queensland,” she said.

“Being a family-orientated school in a semi-rural setting our families are empathetic to the plight of our farmers as this affects us all.”

Ms Wellburn said the dress up event was not only a fun way to spend the last day of term but it helped the students development and understanding of weather cycles and the impact these can have on farmers and our food supply.

“We had 162 students and 14 staff members take part in the event and everyone was very positive with many families donating more than a gold coin,” she said.

“Raising money for our farmer’s has also helped our students to develop a sense of community by helping others when things are not going well.”

All money donated will go to Rural Aid Australia and Drought Angels.