Fence needed for safety reasons

Fence needed for safety reasons

Residents Sophie Fitzgerald, Harper Stone, Melissa Stone, Edie Stone, Bill Fitzgerald and Jake Lewis. Photograph – Richard Polden.

A large number of residents are hoping people power will prevail in getting a fence installed at a popular park in Roleystone to address safety concerns surrounding young children and dogs. 

Roleystone’s Cross Park already has an existing galvanised post and rail fence situated along the Jarrah Road side of the park, however the existing fence provides little purpose in stopping children and dogs from running under it and straight out onto the busy road. 

Resident Peter Hunt is currently circulating a petition amongst the community to request the City of Armadale install link mesh netting along the existing fence line and add an additional section of fencing to link up with the existing infrastructure. 

Mr Hunt told The Examiner the easy fix was needed, as the current situation was an accident waiting to happen. 

“I can see the potential for the dogs to run over the road to the vacant block of land and get hit by a car and I am also worried about the children who train and play cricket at the oval and the potential for them to run over the road to retrieve their ball,” he said. 

Mr Hunt said he initially thought he might be able to get a dozen, or possibly 20, signatures from the dog owners that visit the park most days, but the support has been outstanding. 

“Everyone who has been down there have been fully supportive of it,” he said. 

“Over the last two years I have seen the number of dogs and their owners grow from six to eight dogs to some days up to 18 to 20 and they all love it.” 

Roleystone Karragullen Residents Association president Maria Ford said the association was happy to support the petition of what would be a small improvement on an already existing facility. 

“Cross Park has many uses and a fence would improve safety for our pets and children and even cars with the odd cricket ball and football that goes over the edge of the oval,” she said. 

A number of residents are in support of a fence being installed at Cross Park. Photograph – Richard Polden.