Fight continues for speed limit change

Fight continues for speed limit change

Many residents in Darling Downs would like to see the speed limit on Masters Road changed from 70km/hr to 50km/hr. Photograph - Richard Polden.

More than 70 concerned community members met last week to discuss the issues they face every day on Masters Road in Darling Downs. 

The meeting, which was held in Oakford last Wednesday night, was called by the Darling Downs Residents Association in a bid to bring to light the number of motorists who speed along the suburban road, endangering the lives of residents, horses and dogs. 

Association president Keith Ellis said residents wanted to see the speed limit on Masters Road changed from 70km/hr to 50km/hr. 

“We want it to be treated like Briggs Road and Hopkinson Road which both have slow points which would assist with those travelling with horse floats,” he said. 

“If the shire doesn’t help us with this issue I am going to suggest that the ratepayers of Darling Downs don’t pay their rates.” 

Shire president Michelle Rich said although Masters Road is a shire-owned road, local governments did not have the authority to determine speed zone limits. 

This authority came under Main Roads WA. 

“The shire shares the concerns of recent reports from residents and local police regarding increasing incidences of speeding throughout the shire including on Masters Road,” she said.

“The shire will install more 70km/hr speed signs to remind drivers of the speed limit and we will also install horse signs for public education and awareness with the aim to change driver behaviour and reduce speeding.” 

Ms Rich said the shire undertook yearly traffic, speed and volume studies on Masters Road and confirmed a traffic counter would be installed in the coming weeks to provide up to date traffic data to Main Roads WA. 

Mundijong Police Senior Sergeant Darryl Brandis spoke at the meeting and suggested residents voice their concerns to the Minister for Transport Rita Saffioti and Member for Darling Range Alyssa Hayden. 

“There is definitely an issue with people speeding on Masters Road and people not being aware there is a bridal path on that road,” he said. 

“It is a complex issue with not one simple measure to resolve the issue. 

“It may take a combination of measures to make this road safer.”