Final days to decide

Final days to decide

The battle for Tangney will be between independant Dennis Jensen, Greens candidate Thor Kerr, Labor candidate Marion Boswell and Liberal candidate Ben Morton (pictured above) as well as Australian Christians candidate John Wieske.

Tangney, Swan and Burt voters will finally head to the polls on Saturday in what has been one of the longest election campaigns in Australia’s history.

The campaign has seen a flurry of promises and policies and some heavy hitters visit the area including federal Treasurer Scott Morrison to Tangney and opposition leader Bill Shorten to Swan.

Tangney is a safe Liberal seat with the party holding it by 13 per cent but former Liberal member turned independent candidate Dennis Jensen may pull some votes away from Liberal candidate Ben Morton.

Dr Jensen was ousted as Liberal member for Tangney in April when a preselection battle saw the former state Liberal party director Mr Morton chosen as the candidate.

The two will take on Greens candidate Thor Kerr, Labor candidate Marion Boswell and Australian Christians candidate John Wieske.

Major promises included the Labor Party’s commitment to scrap funding for Roe 8 and put $1 billion towards the state Labor Party’s Metronet heavy rail project.

The Greens will also dump the project in favour of better public transport.

Mr Morton declared he will fight for $5.5 million in federal funding for the Willetton Basketball Stadium expansion if elected while a further $250,000 will be provided to the Willetton Bowling Club for a synthetic bowling green.

Swan is considered a safe Liberal seat with incumbent Liberal MP Steve Irons holding it by 7.3 per cent.

He will take on Labor candidate Tammy Solonec and Greens candidate Sarah Nielsen-Harvey.

The NBN has been a hot issue in the area with two halves of it receiving differing models.

The Liberal Party will stick to its fibre to the node rollout model while Labor will move to the more expensive but faster fibre to the premises model if elected.

If re-elected the Liberals will provide a $3 million grant for the relocation of the Wirrpanda Foundation to the Eagles new home at Lathlain Park and frontline workers tackling the ice problem will be able to share in $20 million to improve their services.

It will also stump up $1 million for the Swan Canning River recovery program to help eliminate hydrocotyle and assist with riverbank stabilisation.

If Labor is elected it will put money back into community legal centres including $300,000 for the Sussex Street Community Law Service.

The Greens will upgrade all public and community housing in the country with solar panels by 2030 to lessen bill pressure on low income earners.

Canning Vale residents in the Burt electorate have a choice between Labor candidate Matt Keogh, Liberal candidate Matt O’Sullivan, Greens candidate Muhammad Salman, Australian Christians candidate Warnar Spyker and Shooters Fishers and Farmers candidate Ian Blevin.

The Liberals notionally hold the new seat by six per cent but recent polls suggest it is much closer between the two major parties.

Major promises from the Labor Party include the support for Metronet, which will see the Canning Vale station delivered sooner, prioritising Canning Vale for the NBN rollout and $300,000 for the Gosnells Community Legal Centre.

The Liberals pledged $6 million to the Baseball Park in Thornlie and $1.3 million for synthetic turf at Sutherlands Park in Southern River.