On the eve of the WA State Election this coming Saturday, March 8, The Examiner has approached the candidates of both major parties for their final pitches for your vote in the seats of Cannington, Riverton, Thornlie and Southern River, given that one of their parties will form Government after the poll closes. All responses are in first person, and in no particular order.
Seat of Thornlie Labor candidate Colleen Egan
“My vision for Thornlie is a community that can count on a strong advocate in the WA parliament and government.
I have spent my life advocating for people who need a voice, like the eight years fighting for Andrew Mallard, who was trapped in prison for a murder he didn’t commit.
I was born and raised in this area and want to give back by using my experience in journalism, and as the chief of staff to the Attorney General, to fight for the people of Thornlie, Gosnells, Maddington, Martin and Orange Grove.
Labor is the only party that cares about doing what’s right for the electorate of Thornlie.”
Seat of Thornlie Liberal candidate Mahesh Arumugam
“On March 8, you’ll make an important decision about the future of Western Australia.
Take a moment to think about it – are you better off after eight years of Roger Cook and Labor?
On Labor’s watch, we’ve seen the cost-of-living skyrocket, families unable to find a home, crime out of control, and hospitals in crisis.
Do our Thornlie residents and small businesses deserve better safety?
Do the residents of Thornlie deserve a better way of life or are we going to waste another 4 years?
This election is a choice: more of the same under Labor, or the strong, effective leadership our state deserves.”
Seat of Southern River Labor candidate Terry Healy
“It has been a privilege to represent the Southern River community in the Cook Labor Government for the past four years, and I would be honoured to be re-elected as your local member.
Over the next four years, I look forward to finishing the train line, completing the Youth Plaza with the council and getting moving on the new indoor pool at Sutherlands Park.
There is always more to do, but I am proud of what we have done to ease cost of living pressures and boost local housing supply – programs which are on the chopping block under a Liberal Government.”
Seat of Southern River Liberal candidate Sudhir Chowdhary
As part of Libby Mettam’s Liberal team, I am committed to building a better Southern River with the right priorities and real solutions for you and your family: Easing the cost-of-living, building more homes, cracking down on crime, fixing our hospitals and backing small businesses.
This election is a choice: more of the same under Labor, or the strong, effective leadership our state deserves.
I’m committed to being an active representative for Southern River who listens and works with the community to deliver real solutions to our local challenges.
I’m asking for your support on March 8 to make this reality.”
Seat of Riverton Labor candidate Dr Jags Krishnan
“Representing the Riverton community has been the greatest privilege of my life.
Every day since being elected I have worked hard to advocate for and deliver better outcomes for our community.
I’ve forged strong relationships with local schools, community groups and sporting clubs, helping them secure the funding they need for our community to thrive.
I have delivered many election commitments over the past four years, and if re-elected I will deliver funding for more than 50 additional local projects.
I am proud to be a strong voice for our community in the Cook Labor Government which will always do what’s right for WA.”
Seat of Riverton Liberal candidate Amanda Spencer-Teo
“I’m a dedicated local who has deeply immersed herself into the fabric of our community. My sole focus and commitment lie with our community. I have no external business ventures competing for my attention.
My campaign emerges from the grassroots, addressing the real concerns that impact us all. As a local, I understand the need to tackle our congestion and road safety issues including duplicating Shelley Bridge. Our local sporting clubs are struggling without a home – I’m committed to putting a roof over their heads. I’m passionate about ensuring equal access to community sports and as a mother of four children, I’m invested in our local schools.
Living here and experiencing these challenges firsthand, I am the only one capable of delivering for our community.
Seat of Cannington Labor candidate Ron Sao
“I’m Ron Sao, your WA Labor Candidate for Cannington.
I am working hard to be your representative in WA Parliament to continue Bill Johnston’s work of serving our fantastic community.
With my wife Catherine we are raising our three kids, so I know the pressures families are facing.
Migrating to Cannington as a five-year-old, I attended schools in Beckenham and Queens Park and got my first job in Cannington.
I know what’s great about living here – and what more needs to be done.
With your support, I will work hard to use my skills and experience to work with Roger Cook and his united WA Labor team to do what’s right for Cannington and WA.
Seat of Cannington Liberal candidate Bruce Henderson did not respond to questions from The Examiner before deadline.
If you are disillusioned by the two major parties, there are other parties to choose from, or the Independents, whoever you see fit as best able to represent your local community. Goodluck to all the candidates this weekend.