First look at new Queens Park and Cannington train stations

First look at new Queens Park and Cannington train stations

An artist’s impression of the new-look Cannington train station.

Public comment is now open on the designs for the new elevated Queens Park and Cannington stations.

New public spaces will include activity zones near the stations, parkland with trees and lawn, areas for residents of all ages and abilities, and shared paths for walkers, cyclists and scooters.

The new Queens Park Station is being relocated slightly north to improve accessibility and connectivity. The station will feature two entrances at ground level from public spaces and parking facilities.

The new Cannington Station will be rebuilt as an elevated station in its existing location, with a new 16-stand bus interchange. The station will feature two lifts and escalators, and a kiosk opening onto the public space.

A development application and comment period for the new Beckenham Station and public open spaces is expected to be released next month.

The public comment period for the new Cannington and Queens Park Stations will close on August 23.