Fix for crash hot spots could be just weeks away

Fix for crash hot spots could be just weeks away

Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale president Michelle Rich inspects Elliott Road, where road rehabilitation works will be carried out in the coming months.

Three road upgrade projects worth more than $1.5 million will begin in a matter of weeks after the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale council awarded tenders for their construction. 

The decision was formalised during last week’s council meeting, where the shire agreed to award tenders for the rehabilitation of Hopeland Road and Elliott Road and for the removal of roadside hazards and installation of lighting and slow points at the Abernethy Road and Kargotich Road intersection. 

The tenders were awarded to companies Raubex Construction and Industrial Roadpavers WA, both of whom are based in Perth’s south-east. 

The federal government contributed more than $1.1 million through its Road to Recovery Program, while the state government and the shire financed the $420,000 intersection works. 

According to Shire president Michelle Rich, the works were part of the council’s ongoing commitment to providing safe roads for residents and visitors. 

“We know that there is still a lot of work to be done to improve our local road network and we will continue to work with our local State and Federal politicians to secure funding so we can upgrade more local roads,” she said. 

Councillor Rich said the shire was committed to lobbying the state and federal government for funds to support the $25 million worth of road works identified in the Hyper-growth Road Upgrades report.