Flying cultural kites

Flying cultural kites

Year 4 student Devlin Flockart, Year 2 student Sithum Silva and pre-primary student Abel Sijo flying their Harmony Day kites on the school oval. Photograph – Aaron van Rongen.

Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School celebrated Harmony Day last week with more than 200 students making and flying kites which represented their cultural background.

Harmony Day was an Australian government initiative, which was celebrated across Australia to recognise people from different cultural heritages.

At Good Shepherd students were put together in pairs to make kites, which carried the colours, flags or symbols of their respective backgrounds.

Good Shepherd Assistant Principal Diana Newman said the day was important for recognising many cultures under the one Australian sky.

“It’s really important that we celebrate the diverse cultures that make up our school community and we value and appreciate the gifts that each culture has to offer our community,” she said.

Mrs Newman said the school had called the event “Together we can fly” to emphasise the importance of teamwork and community building.

She said the day had been a success.

“The students loved it. Absolutely loved it,” she said.

“It’s been a really great buddy activity, lots of fun.

“It’s been an interesting opportunity for them to research the colours of their flag and some symbols that are unique to their cultural heritage.”

Tolulade Eunice Adeniran was 10-years-old and her family was from Australia, Nigeria and Italy.

She said the teamwork aspect of the day was her favourite part.

“We worked really well together and I think it was really fun,” she said.

Monica Rose Sharples is 11-years-old and said she also enjoyed the event.

“I’ve got a kite that represents all of my heritages: Australia, England, Scotland and Ireland,” she said.

Ms Sharples said she had lots of fun participating in the day.