Former student now principal

Former student now principal

Outgoing St Norbert principal Annette Morey (left) with Father Peter Stiglich O Praem and incoming principal Simon Harvey.

St Norbert College will have a new principal next month when former student Simon Harvey returns to take the school’s top job.

It will be the first time a former pupil has taken charge of the school and Mr Harvey will become the eighth principal in the school’s 52-year history.

Mr Harvey graduated from St Norbert College in 1988 and has taught at Catholic schools across Western Australia.

He taught at St Norbert College from 1999 to 2007 and has recently been working on a short-term contract in Karratha at St Luke’s Catholic College.

He has also worked as deputy principal at Trinity College and vice principal at Chisolm Catholic College.

Mr Harvey said he was excited to take the role.

“The school community is built on the wonderful contributions of past and present staff, students, families and I hope I can add positively to this,” he said.

Current principal at St Norbert College Annette Morey has been appointed principal at Mater Dei College in Edgewater.