Four-year-old’s amazing fire fund

Four-year-old’s amazing fire fund

Jett Anderson made his own collection box for his birthday. Photograph — Aaron Van Rongen

One little boy is taking raising money for the fire fighters and those affected by this summer’s savage bushfires into his own tiny hands.

Four-year-old Jett Anderson decided that this year instead of receiving toys and presents for his birthday, he wanted his friends and family to help him donate to those impacted by the bushfires currently ravaging parts of Australia.

With an original goal of $100 million being tamed down to just a hundred dollars, the Kenwick family felt that they would be doing their bit to help out.

However, with a little assistance from the local community, Jett has managed to raise just under $1000 and his father Luke Anderson said he could not be more proud.

“We’re super proud of him, it’s really nice of him to think of other people like that,” he said.

“He’s a very considerate little boy”.

When asked which organisation he would like to donate the money to, the charitable young man simply said all of them.

Jett’s mother Hannah Anderson said she was filled with pride when her son asked to raise money rather than get gifts for his birthday.

“We try and help people, like jump starting a car, giving people money for coffee,” she said.

“But when he said he wanted to help the fire fighters… we were pretty proud of him.”

The family had previously discussed the catastrophe of the fires over east when Mrs Anderson explained to Jett the effect it had had on the people in the affected areas.

“He said we could help them out if they needed food or if they needed somewhere to sleep,” she explained.

“He’s very thoughtful.”

At his birthday party alone, friends and family raised almost $500, which was matched by donations from members of the local community.

“We are so proud of Jett and the power of people coming together to collectively help those in need,” Mrs Anderson said.

“We were absolutely amazed that Jett could be the joining force behind a wonderful donation effort.”

The Anderson family said they would like to thank everyone who has got behind their little boy and helped them surpass their fundraising amount by so much.

You can help Jett and the fire fighters by donating through the link

Donations close on Friday, with the money being sent the next day.