Free gardening workshops hugely popular

Free gardening workshops hugely popular

To book a place in the seed saving workshop, head to the Byford Glades Community Garden Facebook page for the booking link.

The Byford Glades Community Garden’s Urban Agriculture Program has been cultivating a healthy amount of community interest.

There are currently eleven free workshops planned between now and September, with some booking out in a matter of days.

The first workshop on March 10 is ‘All about seeds’, hosted by Drew Batty as part of the SJ Community Resource Centre’s Waste Sorted program, and will teach participants about seed saving and viability testing.

But if you were thinking about heading to the March 24 ‘Preserving Your Harvest’ workshop with Amy Sloane – AKA My Nonna Life – you’re clean out of luck.

It’s already booked out.

Thankfully, there’ll be another workshop on April 28; Julie and Gary Richards will be teaching people about polyculture, and growing veggies to feed your family in a small space.

In May, you can brush up on composting, and in June you can learn about microbes in the garden and compost teas.

In July, there’ll be a workshop aimed at succession planting, and prolonging your harvest season, and in August, Gardening Australia’s Casey Lister will be taking participants on a journey from seed to supper; learning how to cook what you grow.

While in September you can learn how to test your own soil.

There are two other workshops with dates still to be determined: a worm farm workshop, and gardening in pots for small gardens and rentals using recycled materials.

All workshops are free to attend, courtesy of some state government grant funding and extra fundraising on the side.

But events are ticketed, so make sure to book. Details of upcoming workshops and booking links can be found on the Byford Glades Community Garden Facebook page.