Fruity campaign launch

Fruity campaign launch

WA First, Let’s Grow Together brand ambassadors Mason DelSimone and Lilly DelSimone wearing the new design amongst apricot blossom at Spring Hill Orchard in Roleystone.

This year’s Karragullen Expo on October 8 will be an extra special affair with the Hills Orchard Improvement Group launching a new campaign promoting the fruit growing industry’s importance to WA.

The campaign WA First, Let’s Grow Together invited WA consumers to enter a ‘partnership’ with local fruit producers and aimed at providing benefits to both parties.

HOIG spokesman Brett DelSimone said state fruit producers couldn’t survive without the support of the WA consumer and the local community suffered greatly without the employment, taxation, health benefits and food security provided by local food producing businesses.

“Local supply also keeps the consumer from paying extreme retail price increases in tough economic times,” he said.

“The campaign had been designed to excite and inform the WA consumer with a colourful, easily recognisable trademark highlighting the origins of the fruit that they are feeding their families.

“The current confusion over what is fresh and local fruit, and what is grown within the eastern states and then long haul transported – which comes with the associated quality deteriorations, is harming local businesses.

“We need a clear delineation between the two.”

The 33rd annual Karragullen Expo will be held in Karragullen on Old Station Road on October 8.

There will be free children’s activities, fruit tasting and giveaways as well as WA’s finest produce available for sample and purchase.

The formal launching of the brand will occur during the expo’ starting at 1pm at the main marquee tent on the Karragullen Oval with Agriculture Minister Dean Nalder in attendance.

Entry is $10 adults, $5 pensioners and children over 12 and free entry for children under 12.

For more information visit

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