The Gosnells Men’s Shed is a step closer to developing its new building after receiving a $25,591 Federal grant.
Federal Member for Burt Matt Keogh wrote a letter of support for the Veteran and Community Grants program application in September and visited the Men’s Shed last week with Member for Gosnells Chris Tallentire to announce the application had been successful.
Mr Keogh said the Gosnells Men’s Shed provides a vital service to the community.
“I was happy to support their grant application to expand their footprint in Gosnells,” he said.
“The men’s shed provides a friendly environment for its many members to join a variety of activities with their mates.
“Everything from woodwork and gardening to singing.”
Mr Keogh said active membership of groups like the Men’s Shed was important for good mental health, particularly among the shed’s many veteran members.
“The Gosnells Men’s Shed is already one of the best men’s shed I’ve visited,” he said.
“The new building will allow this fantastic community group to continue to grow.
“I look forward to seeing this development get underway.”