Funds injected into crash hot spots

Funds injected into crash hot spots

The Crawford and Grey Street intersection in Cannington is getting a raised platform to slow drivers down.

The City of Canning has approved a $231,000 road safety project aimed at improving road safety in the Carousel residential precinct.
A new raised platform will be built at the Crawford and Grey Street intersection, east of Westfield Carousel, aimed at improving road safety around the area.

Fully funded by the State Government, the development is part of Main Roads WA’s Low-Cost Urban Road Safety Program (URSP), which aims to address high-risk traffic areas through affordable safety improvements.

Crash data for the precinct from 2019 to 2023 shows there had been 17 crashes recorded on Crawford Street, including six classified as severe, with 15 of these occurring at the Crawford Street and Grey Street intersection.

The new raised platform is a key component of the broader safety upgrade in the area, which also includes three mid-block platforms on Bickley Street and five additional raised safety platforms at various intersections.

The Cannington residential precinct has several crash hot spots including the Crawford and Grey Street intersection.

The decision to proceed with a raised platform is a shift from the City of Canning’s 2018 resolution to implement non-raised traffic calming measures.

A City of Canning officer’s report said changes in traffic conditions are the cause of the shift.

“Since Council’s previous resolution to support the implementation of non-raised traffic calming measures at the Crawford Street and Grey Street intersection, further detailed investigation [revealed service constraints and road network changes], have resulted in [roundabouts and other standard improvements] no longer being feasible.

The 2023 AAMI Crash Index reported that for ninth time in 10 years, the portion of Albany Highway in Cannington is the State’s worst crash hot spot.

The officers report said it believes the completion of the Armadale Train Line’s elevation, currently under construction, will help improve traffic flow around the area.

The intersection upgrades are expected to be completed sometime before June 30, 2025, in line with the URSP’s requirement for all schemes to be finished by this date.