Georgia shows her fighting spirit

Georgia shows her fighting spirit

Cecil Andrews College student and Kelmscott Baseball Club player Georgia Butler. Photograph - Richard Polden.

For this bright, intelligent 16-year-old, sport is her life.

It not only keeps her fit and healthy, but also provides her with some stress relief while completing her senior school subjects at Cecil Andrews College.

Georgia Butler started playing teeball when she was five years old and has gradually proceeded into softball and baseball and the very different ball game of AFL.

Her sporting feats have been recognised at a state-level when she won gold alongside her teammates at the 2016 National Youth Women’s Baseball Championships.

She was also drafted in a three-year contract in the Women’s Super League competition and has represented the state on a number of occasions in teeball, softball and baseball.

The young athlete has been a fighter since the day she was born, enduring lifesaving surgery at only 48 hours old.

She was born with a congenital disorder called duodenal atresia and also suffers from haemophilia A (an inherited bleeding disorder) and is on lifelong treatment.

But Georgia doesn’t let anything get in her way of achieving success both on and off the field.

“I have spent time since I was a baby in hospital as I have issues with my intestines and bowel and one time I had to have an nasogastric tube fitted to help get them both working properly again,” she said.

“Living with haemophilia A means I have to take extra caution when it comes to physical activity and contact sports.

“I have to make sure all my coaches and even teachers know that I have it so that in case of a serious accident they would know what to do or how to help.”

Cecil Andrews College student and Kelmscott Baseball Club player Georgia Butler. Photograph – Richard Polden.

Georgia now has another accolade to add to her growing list of achievements after she was recently nominated for the 2020 Young Achiever Awards under the Surge Fitness Sports Award category.

Her mother Deb Butler, who described Georgia as a dedicated young woman who gives 100 per cent to anything she puts her mind to, nominated her for the award.

Georgia said she was thankful for the nomination, which has helped her realise she should have more confidence in herself.

“To be recognised is very important to me as it will give me the chance to show other girls that girls can play sports too, especially in male-dominated ones like baseball,” she said.

“It can show them that they shouldn’t worry what other people think about them and that they should just do what they love.”

Judging for the awards will take place on March 18 next year and the winners will be announced at a gala presentation dinner on June 5.