Getting ready to help charity

Getting ready to help charity

Byford resident Ramone Glasgow will cut her long hair as part of the Leukaemia Foundation’s World’s Greatest Shave event.

Every March Australians all over the country take part in the Leukaemia Foundation’s World’s Greatest Shave to stand in solidarity with those battling blood cancer and to raise funds for the illness.

Byford resident Ramone Glasgow who took part in the event in 2011 said she will be doing it again this year.

“I want to make a difference,” she said.

“I just want to make everyone aware that you can do it, your hair will grow back.

“When I think of someone who is seriously ill I want to help find a cure and make them better.”

Ms Glasgow said she used to be petrified about cutting her hair and used it to hide behind.

“You learn to accept that it is just hair,” she said.

“We are all beautiful with or without it.

“I am helping to beat blood cancer by taking part.”

Leukaemia Foundation general manager Andrew York said the Leukaemia Foundation received no ongoing government funding and relied on the generosity of the community and events like the World’s Greatest Shave.

“Through this we are able to invest millions of dollars in research to develop better treatments and cures,” he said.

“We are able to provide free services to support patients and their families including transport and accommodation.”

Mr York said the foundation was the only national not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the care and cure of patients and families living with leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma and related blood disorders.

To sponsor Ms Glasgow and help her reach her $120 goal visit