Giving is in Geoff’s blood

Giving is in Geoff’s blood

Geoff Pearson and nurse Rebecca Ford celebrate Geoff's 556th blood donation.

There are many unspoken heroes in our community.

Meet local man Geoff Pearson, who has given his 556th blood donation to the Australian Red Cross’ Donor Centre in Cannington.

The local IT worker is encouraging others to follow his lead and give blood during National Blood Donor Week next month.

Mr Pearson said he first decided to give blood after his mother was diagnosed with breast cancer.

“People at work were doing it and a gentleman asked me to go and I just felt, after mum’s breast cancer, that it’s important to do it not just for my own family, but other families who need it for operations and illnesses,” he said.

Figures from the Red Cross’ Blood Service state that of the 91,000 Australians who gave blood for the first time in the past 12 months, 43 per cent didn’t return to make a second donation, which makes Mr Pearson’s efforts all the more praiseworthy, according to Blood Service spokesperson Helen Walsh.

“Donor legends, like Geoff Pearson, who has donated more than 550 times, are crucial, contributing around a quarter of the nation’s blood supplies,” she said.

“These amazing donors can’t do it alone.

“Australia needs a new blood donor every five minutes.

“We need more people like Geoff to make blood or plasma donation a regular, life-saving habit.

“During National Blood Donor Week we say thank you to all our donors for their generosity and life-saving gifts.”

Geoff Pearson said for those who have trepidation about giving blood, they need not worry.

“It’s nothing to be scared of and it’s a simple process, the people are friendly and well defined and they really look after you,” he said.

“It takes just an hour of your time to donate blood and every donation can help save up to three lives.”

National Blood Donor Week runs from June 9 to 15 and is a celebration of the 470,000 legendary donors who give 1.4 million donations of blood and save lives each year.

To donate call 13 14 95.