Gosnells rocked by unemployment

Gosnells rocked by unemployment

Danika Wood, James Brown and Faramarz Noori face the holiday season without any work.

The prospect of a bleak holiday season is a reality for some Gosnells residents with official unemployment figures showing it is one of the hardest hit areas in WA.

Gosnells joined Maddington, Hamilton Hill, Rockingham and Midland with an unemployment rate above 10 per cent.

City of Gosnells chief executive Ian Cowie said the recently approved rezoning of more than 350-hectares of land in the Maddington Kenwick Strategic Employment Area from rural to industrial would generate employment.

“This decision has the potential to significantly boost the local economy,” he said.

“It is likely to create thousands of new jobs to boost investment and drive significant long-term economic benefits.”

Liberal candidate for Thornlie Rob Coales said FIFO and construction workers in Gosnells were experiencing the economy transitioning away from the mining construction phase.

“It is important to continue to invest in critical job creating infrastructure like the Perth Stadium, Roe Highway extension and Tonkin Highway upgrade,” he said.

“As the WA economy settles over the coming years we will see other vital pillars of our economy like tourism, hospitality and agriculture pick up and help restore the balance.”

Labor candidate for Southern River Terry Healy said WA had the worst unemployment rate in the country with about 28,600 young people unemployed.

“We need to diversify WA’s economy and create thousands of new jobs,” he said.

Mr Healy said if elected at next year’s March election Labor’s plan for jobs program would create 50,000 jobs across the state.

“This will help the Gosnells and Southern River communities,” he said.

A Department of Employment spokeswoman said Gosnells had a long history of labour market disadvantage.

“In addition to that the working age population which is between 15 to 64 years in Gosnells has a below average level of educational attainment,” she said.

“Only 42.5 per cent have completed year 12 or the equivalent at the time of the 2011 census compared with the 59 per cent for Australia while just 9.3 per cent have a bachelor degree or above compared with 24.4 per cent with the rest of the country.”

The spokeswoman said WA was at the centre of making the transition from the mining construction boom to a more diversified and stronger economy.

“Minister for Employment Michaelia Cash recently launched the encouraging entrepreneurship and self-employment initiative,” she said.

“It has a range of measures to assist young Australians to start their own business.”


“I have been unemployed for nearly two years and I haven’t heard back from any job networks. The job networks are the main problem, I am willing to go to these places but they cut you off.” – James Brown

“I am doing all these courses but I still don’t have the correct requirements for a job. How am I supposed to get a job if all I get is ‘you have no experience,’ I need a job first to get the experience.” – Danika Wood.

“I have spent a lot of time studying because I hope it will get me a good job so that I can earn a living. If you want a good job you need to meet the requirements and that is what I am trying to do. I am looking for a job but to reach higher levels and support myself I need to have the correct qualifications.” – Faramarz Noori.