Following reports from residents about speed humps on Gay Street in Huntingdale the state government has provided $250,000 to the City of Gosnells to remove them.
On September 21, Member for Southern River Terry Healy handed the grant to City of Gosnells councillor Bill Wiffen.
There are multiple humps along the street which have been unpopular with residents with many of them claiming the humps do not slow down traffic as they are supposed to.
Residents have reported cars travel over them at speed creating a large amount of noise.
The grant provided to the city aims to replace the humps with four to five chicanes, or serpentine curves, along the same stretch of road.
Huntingdale resident Deniz Abraham said she would be glad when the humps are removed.
“They are very irritating,” she said.
“I know speed humps are there for safety reasons to slow down traffic but on this particular road it probably does the exact opposite.”
Ms Abraham said there were just so many of the humps that most cars liked to speed along anyway and go over them as quickly as possible.
“It’s not really safe having so many speed humps,” she said.
“It would be better if there was another way to slow down the traffic.”
Mr Healy said he was pleased to have delivered on an election commitment to fund the removal of the speed humps after listening to Huntingdale residents who have been most affected by the speed humps.
Mr Wiffen said he encouraged all residents to have their say about the speed humps on Gay Street.
Residents can contact the city with any feedback or input at gosnells.wa.gov.au.