Growing stronger

Growing stronger

The Thornlie team with their odd socks celebrate Sock Day and raise awareness for mental health issues.

The South East Metropolitan Community Alcohol and other Drugs Services in Thornlie celebrated Sock Day on October 7.

With 50 per cent of its clients having a mental health issue as well as a drug or alcohol issue the Thornlie team put their feet in odd socks to raise funds to assist the work of the self-help mental health organisation Grow.

Clinical coordinator Mareese McLoughlin said her team wanted to raise a target of $100 for Grow and simultaneously recognise the impact of mental health on their client’s lives.

“In the last financial year Palmerston supported over 1000 people from the southern suburbs,” she said.

The alcohol and drug service is a partnership between Palmerston Association, the leading alcohol and other drug services in the South East corridor and the government next step service provides support to families and individuals throughout the corridor with offices in Thornlie and Armadale.

Ms McLoughlin said her team reached their target and raised $105.

“The main objective of sock day was to raise money for a very worthwhile organisation,” she said.

“We often refer clients to join Grow groups as part of their recovery, to help them make new friends and have ongoing support within the community.”

“This is the first time that the South East Metro Community Alcohol and Drug Service have fundraised for Grow through Sock Day.”

“We celebrated our odd socks days and had a cupcake decorating competition but most importantly it was an opportunity to start the conversation regarding mental health.”