As the multicultural population of the City of Gosnells grows Baljit Singh and owner of Spice of India is enriching the local economy with his business.
To celebrate and support the contribution of new Australians improving the local economy by starting their own business the City of Gosnells will be hosting a migrant business showcase-networking event.
Mr Singh said it was a good idea as it was an opportunity for people to meet one another and to learn more about business.
“Any kind of business is hard work but it is not impossible if you are dedicated,” he said.
“The migrant business showcase event is a great idea, hopefully I will try and make it, if I am not too busy with work, but I would definitely encourage people who are thinking about going into business to attend.”
Originally from North India, Mr Singh moved from Melbourne to Perth nine years ago, setting up his shop in Gosnells.
Mr Sign said he made the move because there was less competition in WA and more of a market for cultural items, but he said this is now slowly changing.
“Gosnells is growing,” Mr Singh said.
“There are more and more people from all backgrounds and nationalities, it is a very multicultural city and I am happy that I have my shop here so that I can cater to their needs.”
Mr Singh said it wasn’t just Indians who visited his shop but people from all ethnicities.
“Everyone comes here,” he said.
“There are many Australian’s who visit my shop, everyone is welcome and who doesn’t love food.”
Mr Singh said he thought of his shop as more than just a business.
He said it was an opportunity for people to learn more about a different culture.
“India is filled with foods and sweets and ingredients and spices,” he said.
“People learn a lot about different cultures through their food and I hope Spice of India teaches them about my country in some small way.”
To celebrate and support the contribution of new Australians improving the local economy by starting their own business the City of Gosnells is seeking expressions of interest for a migrant business showcase-networking event.
Mr Singh said it was a good idea and was an opportunity for people to meet one another and to learn more about business.
City of Gosnells mayor Olwen Searle said the event was a unique networking opportunity.
“At this showcase, business owners from around the world in diverse sectors will exhibit their work,” she said.
“Many migrant businesses attend events organised by the City and this showcase will be a celebration of their diversity and a great way to get to know more about how these entrepreneurs are making their mark in the City of Gosnells.”
The migrant business showcase will be held at the Real Life Church in Gosnells on November 30 from 5pm to 8pm.
It is a free event and to register call 9397 3191 before November 1.