Growth the reason for rate hike in SJ

Growth the reason for rate hike in SJ


Ratepayers within the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale have until Friday, July 12 to share their opinions on the shire’s notice of intention to levy differential rates and minimum payments. 

The council agreed at Monday night’s council meeting to advertise a 1.3 per cent residential rates adjustment, which would deliver about $23,493,000 in revenue in the next financial year. 

This year’s proposed residential rates increase is lower than nearby local governments such as the City of Armadale’s proposed increase of 1.75 per cent and the City of Gosnells’ proposed increase of 1.9 per cent. 

The shire’s proposed increase is also substantially lower than last year’s proposed increase of 3.57 per cent. 

In a shire report, manager of finance Linda Zietsman said council was mindful of the downturn in the economy and the capacity of the ratepayers to pay their council rates. 

“The shire has experienced significant growth over the past number of years generating increased demand for services and infrastructure,” she said. 

“This places additional pressure on the ability of the shire to fund necessary services and infrastructure.

“In accordance with the shire’s plans strict fiscal discipline will facilitate a balanced budget with a 1.3 per cent general increase in rates.” 

Serpentine Jarrahdale Ratepayers Association president Alan Clarkson said he had discussed the increase with several councillors of which many said they had tried to keep the increase as low as possible. 

“Due to the massive expansion here in the shire and the costs associated with that we would have to consider this rates increase as reasonably responsible,” he said. 

The adoption of the annual budget will be considered at the July ordinary council meeting on July 15. 

A statement of rating objectives and reasons was available at the shire offices or on the shire’s website.

Written submissions were to be received no later than 5pm on July 12.