The Armadale Girl Guides have once again spent their Thursdays tidying up the neighbourhood, as part of Clean Up Australia Day.
Girl Guides has been part of the initiative since the very first Clean Up event in 1990.
Thirty-four years on, Girl Guides are a Clean Up Australia Youth Ally and continue to make an active difference to their local environment through this simple act of community service.
Around eight yellow bags-worth of rubbish was collected by the Armadale Active and Armadale Friendship Girl Guides from Shipwreck Park in Hilbert and the Gwynne Park oval.
Unit Leader Diane Smith said the volume of rubbish collected was astounding given the units covered a smaller area this year compared with other years.
While the rubbish wasn’t itemised and counted this year, she said the biggest offenders were take-away drink cups.
The girls also collected quite a few recyclable drink containers which they deposited through Containers for Change, making a tidy little profit.
The annual clean-up is a win-win for all involved; while the girls enjoy time outside together and earn a badge in the process, the community gets to enjoy the fruits of their labours.
Plus, all profits from the sale of the 2024 badge will be donated back to Clean Up Australia to support their future efforts to create positive change.