School pulls together for the needy

School pulls together for the needy

Byford primary school deputy principal Sue Doncon, Patrick Chaytor, Daniel Green, Byford Bendigo bank director Jennifer Kish, Kaysee Handley, Casey Maddison-Black and Holly Denholm with hamper items. Photograph — Matt Devlin.

Schools throughout the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale lent a helping hand to families escaping domestic violence this year by donating to Christmas hampers.

Empty hampers were delivered to schools by Bendigo bank before being passed on to Byford uniting church to be distributed to families in need.

Helen Rowe, who has been collecting hampers for domestic violence victims through the church for several years, said this was the first time the initiative had been supported by the bank and schools.

“I became involved after becoming acquainted with Anne Muir who is an advocate for domestic violence working out of Starick house and Armadale police station,” she said.

Ms Rowe said while she collected hampers for families escaping domestic violence throughout the year it was particularly important at Christmas.

“Some of these women have left everything behind and they have nothing to give their children at Christmas,” she said.

“The hampers are to make sure they understand that somebody cares.

“We do up a decent hamper with food, pyjamas, a quilt, toiletries, a book to read, a colouring book and a decent present.”

She said 60 hampers had already been packed but by the time she was finished there could be more than 100.

Ms Rowe also collects items for hampers for seniors.

The schools involved were Marri Grove primary school, Byford secondary college, Byford primary school and Serpentine primary school.

To make a donation visit the church at 11 Clifton Street between 8.30am and 2pm on Fridays.