Happy with his new Princess

Happy with his new Princess

Lenny Dixon with his new pet Princess. Mr Dixon had to travel out of the local area for her.

After a long search for a four-legged companion and a number of obstacles along the way an elderly Gosnells man has finally found his best friend.

Lenny Dixon lost his shih tzu dog Diamond in September when she was run over by a train.

Since then he has been left distraught and desperately searching to replace his beloved pet.

He alleged recently the City of Gosnells made it difficult for him to buy another dog after what happened to Diamond because she was not on a leash.

After numerous calls to Poundwatch, which he said went unanswered Mr Dixon’s neighbour Des Olsen drove him to Pinjarra to buy a dog earlier this month.

Mr Olsen said he just wanted Mr Dixon to be happy.

“I’m so glad he’s got a dog,” he said.

“He’s got a friend now and I’m happy for him.”

Mr Dixon’s new dog is the same breed as Diamond.

He said he named her Princess and is overjoyed that he has her.

“I’ve been looking for such a long time,” he said.

“I’m so happy.”

Mr Dixon’s search for a pet was met with backlash from Poundwatch.

A Poundwatch volunteer said they could not just give him a dog because of his situation.

She did not elaborate on what she meant by ‘situation’ but said if a dog was given to him it would have to have spent more than two weeks on a tractor to make it suitable for a goffer similar to what Mr Dixon rides.

The City of Gosnells has previously stated it did not have legal authority to ban a person from owning any animal and only a magistrate could impose such a ban.

City of Gosnells chief executive officer Ian Cowie said the city had not sought any court orders preventing Mr Dixon from owning a dog.