Have a cuppa with some friends

Have a cuppa with some friends

Author Barbara Gurney with her new book The Promise. Photograph – Aaron Van Rongen.

Community members and fans of local author Barbara Gurney have been invited to an afternoon tea to launch her new novel The Promise.

The launch will be held at the Knowledge Centre, Gosnells on May 27 from 2pm to 3pm.

The Promise focuses on the friendship between four women who as teenagers make a promise linked to a set of teacups known as the Friendship Cups in a bid to keep in touch.

Ms Gurney said in her book the concept of long lasting friendship was explored as elderly woman Eleanor explains to her grandniece Carrie the pact she made with her three friends.

“With a set of teacups as the catalyst for the teenage promise Eleanor, Pam, Jacqui and Rowena vow to remain in touch,” she said.

“Left with a notebook and a matching milk jug Carrie sets out to discover if the women truly upheld their promise of the Friendship Cups.”

Ms Gurney said in the spirit of her novel she has asked guests attending the launch to bring their favourite cup and saucer or mug for a cuppa.

City of Gosnells deputy mayor Julie Brown said The Promise was a heart-warming story of friendship and loyalty with a touch of romance.

“Barbara is a member of the Gosnells Writers’ Circle,” she said.

“She is well known in our community so it’s a fitting opportunity for readers and writers alike to join us for a celebratory afternoon tea.”

Ms Brown said Ms Gurney would be available to sign copies of The Promise, which can also be purchased on the day.

For more information visit gosnells.wa.gov.au.